番号 |
著者 |
タイトル・掲載雑誌 |
コメント |
IJ02 |
M.Johnson |
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ex-categoryのmodel structure |
Se72 |
G.Segal |
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Γ-space、categoryなどの分類空間 |
SS03 |
B.Shipley |
「Stable model categories are categories of
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stable model categoryに関して |
Ri89 |
J.Rickard |
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Derived同値とMorita理論 |
St63 |
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A-infty spaceに関する事 |
IM70 |
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A-infty spaceとA-infty mapについて |
Ba61 |
M.Barratt |
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半群のcohomology |
DK80 |
D.Kan |
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simplicial localizationに関すること |
DK80' |
D.Kan |
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simlicial locarizationをhammocで |
KD80 |
D.Kan |
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simplicial categoryのhom complexについて |
Fi93 |
P.Filho |
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topological monoidのgroup completion |
La04 |
S. Lack |
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Bicategoriesのcategoryのmodel structure |
Wa85 |
F. Waldhausen |
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spaceのalgebraic K-theory |
Sa57 |
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Orbifoldの原文 |
Se68 |
G.Segal |
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topological categoryの分類空間 |
Ka58 |
D.Kan |
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functorのadjoint |
Ka59 |
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simplicial setとsmall category |
Th80 |
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small categoryのcategoryのmodel structure |
St72 |
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位相空間のstrom type model structure |
Co06 |
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model structureのmix |
Ha74 |
H.Hastings |
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CGHのmodel structure |
Gi04 |
J.Gillespie |
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chain complexのflat model structure |
SV02 |
R.Vogt |
「Strong cofibrations and fibrations in enriched
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strom typeのchain complexのmodel structure |
Qu73 |
D.Quillen |
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algebraic K-theoryの原点 |
Ike04 |
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Morse functionのcobordism |
Kal04 |
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向きのない曲面上のMorse functionのcobordism |
Doe93 |
J.Doeraene |
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Model categoryでのLS-category |
Has75 |
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CGHのStrom typeのmodel structure |
Ste67 |
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compact生成空間について |
DH01 |
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homotpopy colimitとGrothendick contructionなど |
Seg78 |
G.Segal |
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monoidの分類空間など |
Cho03 |
B.Chorny |
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cofibranty generatedでないmodel structureについて |
Tho79 |
R.Thomason |
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homotopy colimitに関する基本 |
BK72 |
A. Bousfield/
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homotopy limitに関する基本 |
Vog73 |
R. Vogt |
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homotopy (co)limitの原文 |
Vog77 |
R.Vogt |
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homotopy colimit、limitの可換性 |
HV92 |
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homotopy limit colimitのbar constructionによる特徴づけ |
Mey84 |
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bar constructionの一般化 |
Pup74 |
V. Puppe |
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fibrationとhomotopy colimit |
May75 |
P.May |
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bar constructionなどのhomotopy |
Cur71 |
Edward B. Curtis |
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simplicial setにまつわること |
Qui68 |
Daniel G. Quillen |
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Kan fibrationの実現はSerre fibration |
And78 |
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実現とfibrationの関連。groupoidのmodel構造 |
Qui69 |
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有理ホモトピー論のさきがけ |
BG76 |
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有理ホモトピー論のホモトピー論 |
THT00 |
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単連結で無い場合の有理ホモトピー論 |
Bau89 |
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volume 15 of Cambridge Studies in
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fibration category、cofibration category |
FRS95 |
B. Sanderson |
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Trunkとその分類空間 |
Joy82 |
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Quandleを用いたknotの計算 |
FR92 |
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Rackを用いたlinkの計算 |
Min02 |
Elias Gabriel Minian |
「Cat as a Λ-cofibration category.」 J. Pure Appl.
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CatのΛ-cofibration structure |
JT91 |
Andre Joyal /Myles Tierney |
「Strong stacks and classifying spaces. In Category theory」, volume 1488 of LNM., pages 213-236.
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Catのfolk model structure |
Min03 |
Elias Gabriel Minian |
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Catにおけるloop and suspension functorとhomtopy群の定義 |
Min00 |
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Λ-cofibration categoryについて |
Min02' |
Elias Gabriel Minian |
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Min02と似た内容 |
Min05 |
Elias Gabriel Minian |
「Numerably Contractible Categories」 K-Theory Volume
36, Numbers 3-4 / 2005 |
CatにおけるCW complex |
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Elias Gabriel Minian |
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CatにおけるCW complex |
Gol81 |
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Catのcubical setに関連したhomotopy |
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small categoryのcubical nerveについてのお話 |
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位相空間とsimplicial setのn-type model structure |
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Goodwillie's calculus part 1 |
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Goodwillie's calculus part 2 |
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Goodwillie's calculus part 3 |
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Godwillie's calculusの変形版orthogonal calculus |
La02 |
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2-categoryのcategoryのfolk model structure |
BC03 |
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2-categoryにおけるQuillen's Theorem A |
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Salvetti complexの構成 |
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Discrete Morse theoryの原点 |
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Kenneth S. Brown |
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pullbackについて |
DJ91 |
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準トーリック多様体の原点 |