


番号 著者 タイトル・掲載雑誌 コメント
IJ02 M.Intermont/
「Model structure on the category of ex-space」.Top. App.Vol-119. 2002. 325-353 ex-categoryのmodel structure
Se72 G.Segal 「Categories and cohomology theories」. Top. Vol-13. 1972. 293-312 Γ-space、categoryなどの分類空間
SS03 S.Schwede/
「Stable model categories are categories of module」.Top. Vol-42. 2003. 103-153 stable model categoryに関して
Ri89 J.Rickard 「Morita theory for derived categories」. J. Lon. Math. Soc. (2). Vol-39. 1989. 436-456 Derived同値とMorita理論
St63 J.Stasheff 「Homotopy associativity of H-spaces. I, II.」. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol-108 1963, 275-292 A-infty spaceに関する事
IM70 N. Iwase/
M. Mimura
「Higher homotopy associativity」 Algebraic Topology (Arcata, 1986), 193-220, Lecture Notes in Math. 1370, Springer, Berlin, 1989 A-infty spaceとA-infty mapについて
Ba61 M.Barratt 「A note of the cohomology of semigroups」. J. Lon. Math. Soc. Vol-36. 1961. 496-498 半群のcohomology
DK80 W.Dwyer/
「Simplicial localization of categories」. J. Pure. App. Alg. Vol-17. 1980. 267-284 simplicial localizationに関すること
DK80' W.Dwyer/
「Simplicial localization of categories」. J. Pure. App. Alg. Vol-18. 1980. 17-35 simlicial locarizationをhammocで
KD80 W.Dwyer/
「Function complexes in homotopical algebra」. Top. Vol-19. 1980. 427-440. simplicial categoryのhom complexについて
Fi93 P.Filho 「Completions and fibrations for topological monoids」. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol-340. 1993, 127-147. topological monoidのgroup completion
La04 S. Lack 「A Quillen model structure for bicategories」 K-Theory. 33(3). 2004. 185-197 Bicategoriesのcategoryのmodel structure
Wa85 F. Waldhausen 「Algebraic K-theory of spaces」 LMN. Vol-1126. 1985. 318-419. spaceのalgebraic K-theory
Sa57 I.Satake 「The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem for V-manifolds」 J Math Soc Japan. Vol-9, No.4. 1957. 464-492. Orbifoldの原文
Se68 G.Segal 「Classifying spaces and spectral sequence」 Inst.Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ Math Vol-34 1968. topological categoryの分類空間
Ka58 D.Kan 「Adjoint functors」 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 1958. functorのadjoint
Ka59 D.kan 「On c.s.s complexes」 Amer J. of Math. 1959. simplicial setとsmall category
Th80 R.Thomason 「Cat as a closed model category」 Cahiers de Topologie et Geometrie Differetuielle. Vol-21. 1980, small categoryのcategoryのmodel structure
St72 A.Strom 「The homotopy category is a homotopy category」 Arch. Math. (Basel), Vol-23. 1972. 435-441. 位相空間のstrom type model structure
Co06 M.Cole 「Mixing model structures」 Topology Appl. Vol-153(7). 2006. 1016-1032. model structureのmix
Ha74 H.Hastings 「Fibrations of compactly generated spaces」 Michigan Math. J. Vol-21 1974 243-251. CGHのmodel structure
Gi04 J.Gillespie 「The flat model structure on Ch(R)」 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 356(8). 2004. 3369-3390 (electronic). chain complexのflat model structure
SV02 R.Schwanzl/
「Strong cofibrations and fibrations in enriched categories」 Arch. Math. (Basel), 79(6). 2002. 449-462. strom typeのchain complexのmodel structure
Qu73 D.Quillen 「Higher algebraic K-theory」. LMN. Vol-341. 1973. 85-147. algebraic K-theoryの原点
Ike04 K.Ikegami 「Cobordism group of Morse functions on manifolds」 Hiroshima Math. J. 34(2) : 211-230, 2004. Morse functionのcobordism
Kal04 B.Kalmar 「Cobordism group of Morse functions on unoriented surfaces」 Kyushu Journal of Mathematics || 59(2) || 351-363 向きのない曲面上のMorse functionのcobordism
Doe93 J.Doeraene 「L.S.-category in a model category.」 J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 84(3):215-261, 1993. Model categoryでのLS-category
Has75 H. Hastings 「Fibrations of compactly generated spaces.」 Michigan Math. J., 21:243-251 (1975), 1974. CGHのStrom typeのmodel structure
Ste67 N. Steenrod. 「A convenient category of topological spaces.」 Michigan Math. J., 14:133-152, 1967. compact生成空間について
DH01 W.Dwyer/
「Homotopy theoretic methods in group cohomologyAdvanced Courses in Mathematics CRM Barcelona. Birkhauser Verlag, Basel, 2001. homotpopy colimitとGrothendick contructionなど
Seg78 G.Segal 「Classifying spaces related to foliations」 Topology, Vol. 17, pp.367-382, 1978 monoidの分類空間など
Cho03 B.Chorny 「The model category of maps of spaces is not cofbrantly generated」 Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 131(7):2255-2259 (electronic), 2003. cofibranty generatedでないmodel structureについて
Tho79 R.Thomason 「Homotopy colimits in the category of small category」 Math. Proc. Comb. Phil. Soc. Vol85,pp91-109. 1979 homotopy colimitに関する基本
BK72 A. Bousfield/
D.. Kan
Homotopy limits, completions and localizationsvolume 304 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1972 homotopy limitに関する基本
Vog73 R. Vogt 「Homotopy limits and colimits」. Math. Z., 134:11-52, 1973. homotopy (co)limitの原文
Vog77 R.Vogt 「Commuting homotopy limits」. Math. Z., 153(1):59?82, 1977 homotopy colimit、limitの可換性
HV92 J. Hollender/
R. Vogt,
「Modules of topological spaces, applications to homotopy limits and E_infty structures」, Arch. Math. 59 (1992), 115-129 homotopy limit colimitのbar constructionによる特徴づけ
Mey84 J.P. Meyer 「Bar and cobar constructions」, J. Pure Applied Alg., 33, (1984), 163-207 bar constructionの一般化
Pup74 V. Puppe 「A Remark on ``Homotopy Fibration''」. Manuscripta Math. 12 (1974), pp. 113--120 fibrationとhomotopy colimit
May75 P.May 「Classifying Spaces and Fibrations」 AMS Memoirs 155. 1975 bar constructionなどのhomotopy
Cur71 Edward B. Curtis . 「Simplicial homotopy theory」. Advances in Math., 6:107-209 (1971), 1971. simplicial setにまつわること
Qui68 Daniel G. Quillen 「The geometric realization of a Kan fibration is a Serre fibration」 Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 19:1499-1500, 1968 Kan fibrationの実現はSerre fibration
And78 D. W. Anderson. 「Fibrations and geometric realizations」. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 84(5):765-788, 1978. 実現とfibrationの関連。groupoidのmodel構造
Qui69 Daniel Quillen 「Rational homotopy theory」. Ann. of Math. (2), 90:205-295, 1969. 有理ホモトピー論のさきがけ
BG76 A.Bousfield/
「On PL DeRham Theory and Rational Homotopy Type」,AMS Memoirs 1976; 94 pp;Volume: 8 有理ホモトピー論のホモトピー論
THT00 A.Gomez-Tato/
D. Tanre
.「Rational homotopy theory for non-simply connected spaces」 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 352(4):1493-1525, 2000. 単連結で無い場合の有理ホモトピー論
Bau89 Hans Joachim Baues. 「Algebraic homotopy」, volume 15 of Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989. fibration category、cofibration category
FRS95 R.Fenn/
B. Sanderson
「Trunks and classifying spaces」. Appl. Categ. Structures, 3(4):321?356, 1995. Trunkとその分類空間
Joy82 David Joyce 「A classifying invariant of knots, the knot quandle.」 J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 23(1):37?65, 1982. Quandleを用いたknotの計算
FR92 Roger Fenn/
Colin Rourke.
「Racks and links in codimension two.」 J. Knot Theory Rami?cations 1(4):343?406, 1992. Rackを用いたlinkの計算
Min02 Elias Gabriel Minian 「Cat as a Λ-cofibration category.」 J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 167(2-3):301-314, 2002. CatのΛ-cofibration structure
JT91 Andre Joyal /Myles Tierney 「Strong stacks and classifying spaces. In Category theory」, volume 1488 of LNM., pages 213-236. Springer, Berlin, 1991. Catのfolk model structure
Min03 Elias Gabriel Minian 「Loop and Suspension Functors for Small Categories and Stable Homotopy Groups」. Applied Categorical Structures 11(2): 207-218 (2003) Catにおけるloop and suspension functorとhomtopy群の定義
Min00 Elias Gabriel Minian 「Generalized Cofibration Categories and Global Actions」K-Theory Volume 20, Number 1 / 2000 Λ-cofibration categoryについて
Min02' Elias Gabriel Minian 「Λ-Cofibration Categories and the Homotopy Categories of Global Actions and Simplicial Complexes」. Applied Categorical Structures 10(1): 1-21 (2002) Min02と似た内容
Min05 Elias Gabriel Minian 「Numerably Contractible Categories」 K-Theory Volume 36, Numbers 3-4 / 2005 CatにおけるCW complex
Min02'' Elias Gabriel Minian 「Complexes in Cat」 Topology and its Applications Volume 119, Issue 1, 31 March 2002, Pages 41-51 CatにおけるCW complex
Gol81 M.Golasinski 「Homotopies of small categories」Fund. Math.,CXIV(1981), 209-217
Catのcubical setに関連したhomotopy
Gol79 M.Golasinski 「The category of cubical set and the category of small categories」 Bulletin de l'academie polonaise des seiences VOl XXVII No.11-12,1979 small categoryのcubical nerveについてのお話
CELH Carmen/
「Closed model categories for the n-type of spaces and simplicial sets」. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 118(1):93?103, 1995. 位相空間とsimplicial setのn-type model structure
Goo90 Thomas G. Goodwillie. 「Calculus. I. The first derivative of pseudoisotopy theory.」 K-Theory, 4(1):1-27, 1990. Goodwillie's calculus part 1
Goo92 Thomas G. Goodwillie. 「Calculus. II. Analytic functors.」 K-Theory, 5(4):295-332, 1991/92. Goodwillie's calculus part 2
Goo03 Thomas G. Goodwillie. 「Calculus. III. Taylor series.」 Geom. Topol., 7:645-711 (electronic), 2003. Goodwillie's calculus part 3
Wei95 Michael Weiss. 「Orthogonal calculus.」 Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 347(10):3743-3796, 1995. Godwillie's calculusの変形版orthogonal calculus
La02 Stephen Lack A Quillen model structure for 2-categories, K-Theory 26:171-205, 2002 2-categoryのcategoryのfolk model structure
BC03 M. Bullejos/
A. M. Cegarra
On thegeometry of s-categories and their classifying spaces, K-Theory 29:211-229, 2003 2-categoryにおけるQuillen's Theorem A

Mario Salvetti

Topology of the complement of real hyperplanes in CN . Invent. Math. , 88(3):603-618, 1987. Salvetti complexの構成


Robin. Forman 

Morse theory for cell

Discrete Morse theoryの原点

Bro73 Kenneth S. Brown Abstract Homotopy Theory and Generalized Sheaf Cohomology,Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 186 (1973), 419-458 Fibration categoryにおけるhomotopy pullbackについて
DJ91 M. Davis, T. Januszkiewicz Convex polytopes, Coxeter orbifolds and torus actions,Duke Math. J. 62 (1991), no. 2, 417--451 準トーリック多様体の原点