


『Model category』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
HS12 The homotopy theory of coalgebras over a comonad Kathryn Hess/ Brooke Shipley Model categoryにおけるcoalgebraの圏のmodel構造
GS06 Model Categories and Simplicial methods P.Goerss/
前半にmodel categoryの基本的なことが簡潔にまとめられている。
Iy06 Andre Quillen homology of commutative algebra Srikanth Iyanger 可換環のQuillen homologyのことについてまとめられている。
FI05 T-model structure H.Fausk/
T-model structureの定義と性質。後半はpro-categoryへの応用
DS95 Homotopy theories and model categories W.Dwyer/
model categoryについて学ぶ入門的な論文。
La07 A 2-categories companion S.Lack 2-category上の操作の色々。model structureも。
Re00 A model category for categories C.Rezk small categoryのcategoryにおけるmodel structureその1
Be04 A model category sturucture on the category of simplicial categories J.Bergner simplicial setがenrichしたcategory、simplicial categoriesのcategoryのmodel structure
St08 A model category structure on the category of simplicial multicategories A.Stanculescu 上記の発展版。simplicial setがenrichしたmulti categoriesのcategoryのmodel structure
Ta07 Differential graded versus Simplicial categories G.Tabuada DG categoriesとsimplicial categoriesのmodel categoryとしての比較
Ga03 A model category for the homotopy theory of concurrency P.Gaucher Flowと呼ばれるtopological categoryの限定的なもののmodel structure
MS04 Parametrized homotopy theory J.May/
J. Sigurdsson
Ex-spaceのcategoryのmodel structureについて
BT08 A homotopical algebra of graphs related to zeta series T.Bisson/
A. Tsemo
グラフのcategoryのmodel structure
Ho98 Monoidal model categories M.Hovey monoidal model categoryについて
SS98 Algebras and modules in monoidal model categories S.Schwede/ B.Shipley monoidal model category上のmodule、algebraのcategoryのmodel structure
Eg06 Quillen model categories without equalisers or coequalisers J.Egger model categoryのbicompleteの条件を弱める事を考えている
CK02 Topological model categories generated by finite complexes A. Chigogidze/
A. Karasev
L-homotopyというものを用いて、TOPにmodel structureを考える
Du06 Classification spaces of maps in model categories D.Dugger model categoryにおけるmorphismのなす空間に関して
SS01 Classification of stable model categories S.Schwede/ B.Shipley stable model categoryの分類
Ree74 Homotopy Theory of Model Categories C.Reedy Reedy catgeoryの原文
Bar07 On Reedy Model Categories C.Barwick Reedy categoryについて
An06a Enriched Reedy categories V.Angeltveit enrichとReedyの両立、そしてそこからのFunctor category
Gi06 A Quillen Approach to Derived Categories and Tensor Products J.Gillespie homological algebraをmodel categoryの視点で
St07 A homotopy theory for enrichment in simplicial modules A.Stanculescu simplicial moduleがenrichしたcategoryのmodel structure
We01 Homotopy Ends and Thomason Model Categories C.Weibel Quillen流ではなくThomasonによるmodel categoryの定義
Ga07 Cofibrantly generated natural weak factorisation systems R.Garner weak factorizationとcofibrantly generatedについて2-categoryで議論
Go07 The Categorification of a Symmetric Operad is Independent of Signature M.Gould factorization systemに関して
RT08 Factorization, Fibration and Torsion J.Rosicky/ W.Tholen (weak) factorization systemと後半はtorsion theory
Le98 Basic Bicategories T.Leinster Bicategoryについて
RG03 Weak (co)fibrations in categories of (co)fibrant objects R. Kieboom/
G. Sonck/
T. Linden/
P. Witbooi
model categoryよりも弱めの条件で、homotopy論を考えている。
DV03 Homotopical structures in categories A.Duma,/
homotopicという関係を考えるためのcategory structure
Ho07 On the subdivision of small categories M.Hoyo small categoryの細分を詳しく考えている。
DI01 Hypercovers in topology D.Dugger/
空間におけるhomotopy colimitについて詳しい
BT08 A homotopical algebra of graphs related to zeta series T.Bisson/
quiverのcategoryのmodel structure
Lur08 Higher Topos Theory J.Lurie quasi categoryを用いたhigher categoryの理論
Mina08 Lurie's quasi category theory N.Minami 上記の日本語の概略
JT06 Quasi-categories vs Segal spaces A.Joyal/ M.Tierney simpicial setのJoyal typeのmodel structure
Ber05a Simplicial monoids and Segal categories J.Bergner simplicial monoid、simpicial space、そしてSegal category
Ber05b Three models for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories J.Bergner simplicial category、simpicial space、そしてSegal category
GG06 Inductive Lusternik-Schnirelmann category in a model category J.Garcia-Calcines/
Model categoryにおけるLS-categoryの定義
CGT04 homotopy localizations of groupoids C.Casacuberta/
Marek Golasinski/
Andrew Tonks
groupoidとsmall categoryのmodel structure比較
WHPT A Model Structure a la Thomason on 2-Cat K. Worytkiewicz/ K.Hess/
2-categoryのcategoryにおけるThomason typeのmodel structureについて
FP08 A Thomason model structure on the catgeory of small n-fold category Thomas. Fiore/
Simona. Paori
n-fold categoryのcategoryにおけるThomason typeのmodel structureについて
Ban06 Cofibrations in Homotopy Theory Andrei Radulescu-Banu Anderson-Brown-Cisinski (ABC) cofibration categoriesでhomtoopy colimit
Bek03 How (non-)unique is the choice of cofibrations? T.Beke Simplicial setを元にしてどれぐらいmodel structureがあるか。
Bek08 Fibrations of simplicial sets T.Beke simplicial setのmodel structureを考え直している
Ber06 A survey of (\infty, 1)-categories J.Bergner (∞,1)-category、simplicial category、Segal category、quasi category
Rie07 Model Categories and Weak Factorisation Sytems E.Riehl Model categoryとweak factorization systemについて
Dwy08 homotopy theory and classifying spaces B.Dwyer model category, homotopy colimit, classifying spaceなどhomotopy論一般
LMW07 A folk model structure on omega-cat Yves Lafont/
Francois Metayer/
K. Worytkiewicz
omega-categoriesのfolk model structure
Bla08 Generalized Andre- Quillen Cohomology David Blanc Andre-Quillen cohomologyの一般化
Sta08 A Quillen model category structure on some categories of comonoids Alexandru E. Stanculescu Monoidal model categoryのcomonoid objectの成すcategoryにおけるmodelstructure
DV03 Homotopical structures in categories A.Duma/ C.Vladmirescu homotopy論を展開するため、cylider objectを持つcategoryを考えている。

A simplicial description of the homotopy category of simplicial groupoids

A. R. Garzon/
J. G. Miranda/
R. Osorio
simplicial groupoidのcategoryのmodel structure
APR97 Closed model categories for $[n,m]$-types

J. Aldana/
Luis J. Paricio/
Maria T. Rodriguez

空間、simplicial setの[n,m]-type model structure
LBK03 Closed Model Categories for Presheaves of Simplicial Groupoids and Presheaves of 2-Groupoids Zhi-Ming Luo/
Peter Bubenik/
Peter T. Kim
simplicial groupoid、2-groupoid上のpresheafのcategoryのmodel structureの関係
TV02 Homotopical Algebraic Geometry I: Topos theory Bertrand Toen/
Gabriele Vezzosi
model categoryを用いたtoposの理論
TV04 Homotopical Algebraic Geometry II: geometric stacks and applications Bertrand Toen/
Gabriele Vezzosi
model categoryを用いたstackの理論
TV01 Algebraic Geometry over model categories (a general approach to derived algebraic geometry) Bertrand Toen/
Gabriele Vezzosi
model categoryを用いたderived algebraic geometry
Lura Stable Infinity Categories Jacob Lurie Drived algebraic geometry、spectrum編
Lurb Derived Algebraic Geometry II: Noncommutative Algebra Jacob Lurie Drived algebraic geometry、非可換代数編
Lurc Derived Algebraic Geometry III: Commutative Algebra Jacob Lurie Drived algebraic geometry、可換代数編
Lurd Derived Algebraic Geometry IV: Deformation Theory Jacob Lurie Drived algebraic geometry、変形理論編
Lure Derived Algebraic Geometry V: Structured Spaces Jacob Lurie Drived algebraic geometry、structured空間編
Gar07 Understanding the small object argument Richard Garner small object argument、factorization system、cofibrantly generatedについて
DS06 Enriched model categories and an application to additive endomorphism spectra Daniel Dugger/
Brooke Shipley
Additive combinatorial stable model categoryの考察
Lau06 The homotopy theory of equivalence relations Finnur Larusson Equivalence relationのmodel structure
Kro07 Model structure on operads in orthogonal spectra Tore August Kro Orthogonal spectraのoperadのmodel structure
Gil09 Model structures on modules over Ding-Chen rings James Gillespie Ding-Chen ring上のmoduleのmodel structure
Sta08 A Quillen model category structure on some categories of comonoids Alexandru E. Stanculescu Monoidal model categoryのcomonoidのmodel structure
DRT09 Faithfulness of a functor of Quillen W. Dwyer/
Sebastian Thomas
Quillen functorのfaithfullness
Mal06 Quillen's adjunction theorem for derived functors, revisited G. Maltsiniotis Derived functorとQuillen functor
Rie09 Natural weak factorization systems in model structures Emily Riehl model categoryのnatural weak factorization system
Del10 The unitary symmetric monoidal model category of small C*-categories Ivo Dell'Ambrogio C*-categoryのcategoryのmodel structure
DT11 Morita homotopy theory of C*-categories Ivo Dell'Ambrogio, Goncalo Tabuada C*-categoryのcategoryにおける森田理論
Vog10 The HELP-Lemma and its converse in Quillen model categories R. M. Vogt Model categoryにおけるHELP lemma
CD06 Homotopy theory of small diagrams over large categories Boris Chorny, William G. Dwyer Large category上のsimplicial sheafのcategoryのmodel structure
BK10 Relative categories: Another model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theories C. Barwick/
D. M. Kan
categoryとweak equivalenceのpairをobjectとするようなcategoryのmodel structure

An example of a non-cofibrantly generated model category

Boris Chorny
non-cofibrantly generated model structureの例

Universal homotopy theories

Daniel Dugger Model categoryの普遍的構成

A Quillen theorem Bn for homotopy pullbacks

C. Barwick/
D. M. Kan
Quillen's Theorem Bの一般化

Spectral enrichments of model categories

Daniel Dugger Stable model categoryのspectral emrichment

Grothendieck's Homotopy Hypothesis

Ilias Amrani simplicial topological categoryの圏のモデル構造

Homotopy weighted colimits

Lukaa VokYinek Weightつきのhomotopy colimit

Quillen model structures on the category of graphs

Jean-Marie Droz graphの圏のモデル構造

A Model Structure On The Category Of Small Acyclic Categories

Roman Bruckner acyclic categoryの圏のThomasonモデル構造

『Homological algebra』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Kap96 On the q-analog of homological algebra M.Kapranov n-complexについて
Fre03 Abelian categories P.Freyd Abelian categoryの基本
Ann07 Spherical functors Rina Anno triangulated categoryにおけるsherical object、functor
Kra08 Localization theory for triangulated categories Henning Krause triangulated categoryのlocalization
HL07 Triangulations of projective modules M. Hovey/
graded ring上のprojective moduleのなすcategoryのtriangleについて
AJS07 Classifying Compactly generated t-structures on the derived category of a Noetherian ring L. Alonso,/
A. Jeremias/
M. Saorin
ネーター環上のderived categoryのcompact generated t-structureの分類
Dav07 Homotopy type and v1-periodic homotopy groups of p-compact groups Donald M. Davis irreducible p-compact groupのv1-periodic homotopy groupについて
PR06 Universal coefficient theorem in triangulated categories T. Pirashvili/
M. Redondo
triangulated categoryでの普遍係数定理
Nee99 K-Theory for Triangulated Categories III(A): The Theorem of the Heart Amnon Neeman triangulated categoryのK-theory
GKR03 Stability data and t-structures on a triangulated category A. Gorodentscev/
S. Kuleshov/
A. Rudakov
stability conditionにまつわる事
Oka07 Topologies on a triangulated category So Okada triangulated categoryの位相
BIK09 Stratifying triangulated categories Dave Benson/
S. Iyengar/
Henning Krause
triangulated categoryのstratifying
Gri06 Adjoint functors and triangulated categories Matthew Grime Exact categoryからadjont functorを用いた三角圏の構成
Rou03 Dimensions of triangulated categories Raphael Rouquier triangulated categoryの次元
AN09 General heart construction on a triangulated category (II): Associated cohomological functor Noriyuki Abe/
Hiroyuki Nakaoka
triangulated categoryのt-structureのheartの一般的な構成
Tab07 Homotopy theory of Well-generated algebraic triangulated categories Goncalo Tabuada DG categoryのmodel structureを用いたtriangulated category
Won82 Chain homotopy pullbacks and pushouts Y. L. Wong
Chain complexの圏でのhomotopy pullbackとhomotopy pushout
Gar06 Homotopy theory of associative rings Grigory Garkusha Ringのhomotopy論

Modules in Monoidal Model Categories

L. Lewis Jr/
M. Mandell
Monoidal model categoryにおけるmoduleのcategoryについて

The Dold-Kan Correspondence and Coalgebra Structures

Hermann Sore Simplicial coalgebraとDGCのmodel structureについて

『Stable homotopy theory、spectrum』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Do02 安定ホモトピー群とBPスペクトラム Dora Spectral sequenceなどの解説が丁寧でわかりやすい。
Ho01 Spectra and symmetric spectra in general model categories M.Hovey 通常の位相空間ではなくmodel categoryの視点からspectrumを考えた論文
HSS Symmetric spectra M.Hovey/
SpectraおよびSymmetric spectraのmodel structure等に関すること
HPS Axiomatic stable homotopy theory M.Hovey/
Stable homotopy categoryを公理的に構成しようという試み
St03 Axiomatic stable homotopy N.Strickland 上記の内容の元になった論文
MP Unstable homotopy classification of BG Stewart Priddy 有限群の分類空間のunstable classification
MP94 Stable homotopy classification of BG J. Martino/
S. Priddy
有限群の分類空間のstable classification
Pri07 Lectures on the stable homotopy of BG Stewart Priddy 有限群の安定ホモトピー論
HL10 Homological dimensions of ring spectra Mark Hovey/
Keir Lockridge
Ring spectrumのHomological dimension
San09 Units of equivariant ring spectra Rekha Santhanam Gamma-spaceとE-infty spaceの圏のQuillen同値
May09 What precisely are $E_{\infty}$ ring spaces and $E_{\infty}$ ring spectra? J.P. May E-infty spaceとspectrum
Gre06 Spectra for commutative algebraists J.P.C.Greenlees Smash productの比較など
Laz02 Cohomology theories for highly structured ring spectra Andrey Lazarev Ring spectrumのAndre-Quillen homology
Shi02 HZ-algebra spectra are differential graded algebras Brooke Shipley DG algebraとHZ algebra spectrumの圏のQuillen同値
Noe09 H-infinity is not E-infinity Justin Noel H-inftyとE-infty ring spectrumの違い

Topological triangulated categories

Stefan Schwede stable cofibration categoryから誘導される三角圏

『Enriched categories』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Ke06 On differential graded category B.Keller DG categoryの基本的なことから応用的なことまで幅広く書かれている。
Ta05 Invariants additufs de dg-categories G.Tabuada DG-categoryのcategoryにおけるmodel structureその1
Ta04 A Quillen model structure on the category of dg categories G.Tabuada DG-categoryのcategoryにおけるmodel structureその2
Dr02 DG quotients of dg catgeories V.Drinfeld DG categoryのlocalizationについて、Drinfldの構成とKellarの構成を紹介
Ke93 Driveing dg categories B.Keller Dr02におけるkellarの構成の大元のアイデアはここからきている
Ke97 On the cyclic homology of exact categories B.Keller DG quotientの考え。具体的構成はDr03を見るといい。一般的なcyclic homologyの構成
Ta07 A new Quillen model for the Morita homotopy theory of DG categories G.Tabuada DG localization pairに対するmodel structureを考えている。
KL01 $V$-Cat is locally presentable or locally bounded if $V$ is so G. M. Kelly/
Stephen Lack
Enriched categoryのlocally presentable、locally boundedという性質が元のmonoidal categoryの性質に依存
Dun01 Localization of V-categories Bjorn Ian Dundas Enriched categoryのsimplicial localizationにならったlocalization
Asa08 Covering theory of categories without free actions and derived equivalences H.Asashiba 群が作用するk-linear categoryにおけるorbit categoryについて
CRS07 The Intrinsic Fundamental Group of a Linear Category C. Cibils/
M. Redondo/
A. Solotar
k-linear categoryのcoveringと基本群について
CM03 Skew category, Galois covering and smash product of a $k$-category Claude Cibils/
Eduardo N. Marcos
freeな群の作用を受けるk-linear catgeoryのcovering
CR04 Cartan-Leray spectral sequence for Galois coverings of linear categories Claude Cibils/
Maria Julia Redondo
k-linear categoryのGalois coveringについて

Connected gradings and fundamental group

C. Cibils/
M. Redondo/
A. Solotar
k-linear categoryのgrading fundamental group
Dro08 Group action on bimodule categories Yuriy A. Drozd bimodule categoryへの群の作用
Kel05 Basic Concepts of Enriched Category Theory G.Kelly enriched category theoryの色々
BS Short introduction to enriched category F.Borceux/
enriched categoryの入門
For03 Enrichment as Categorical Delooping I: Enrichment Over Iterated Monoidal Categories Stefan Forcey Braided monoidal categoryのenrichしたcategoryのhigher morphism
Lei02 Generalized enrichment of categories Tom Leinster fc-multicategoryでのenrich
Tam09 The Grothendieck Construction and Gradings for Enriched Categories Dai Tamaki Enriched categoryの一般的な解釈とGrothendieck construction
Tam06 What do DG categories form? Dmitry Tamarkin DG categoryのcategoryの2-categoryとしての視点
Tab08 Topological Hochschild and cyclic homology for Differential graded categories Goncalo Tabuada DG catgeoryのTHHとTCH。そして、DG catgeoryとEilenberg-MacLane spectrum categoryの対応
KT03 Simplicial localization of monoidal structures, and a non-linear version of Deligne's conjecture Joachim Kock, Bertrand Toen monoidal model categoryのsimplicial localiationにより、derived endmorphismのsimplical 2-monad構造
KMM07 Differential graded category and its Morita theory 木村嘉之,

The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory

B.Toen DG-categoryのホモトピー論

Presentations of Grothendieck constructions

Hideto Asashiba/
Mayumi Kimura
k-linear categoryのdiagramのGrothendieck constructuion

On the homotopy theory of enriched categories

Clemens Berger, Ieke Moerdijk Enriched categoriesのモデル構造について


番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Ma99 Homotopy Algebras are Homotopy Algebras M.Markl colored operadを用いてmovesと呼ばれるA-infty mapの特徴を考察している。
BM02 Axiomatic homotopy theory for operads C.Berger/ I.Moerdijk operadのcategoryのmodel structureについて
Kr07 Model structure on operads in orthogonal spectra T.Kro operad上のmodule、algebraのcategoryのmodel structureについて
Ma06 Operads and PROPs M.Markl operadの基本事項が満載
Hi99 Virtual operad algebras and realization of homotopy types V. Hinich chain complex上のoperadのcategoryのmodel structureについて
Sp01 Operads, Algebras and Modules in General Model Categories M.Spitzweck Symmetric monoidal category上のoperad、module、algebraのcatgeoryのmodel structure
Fr07 Modules over operads and functors B.Fresse operad上のmodule、algebraに関する事
Ma04 Free Homotopy Algebras M.Markl A-infty (Lie) algebraのFreeな構成法について
Ha08 Homotopy theory of modules over operads and non-Sigma operads in monoidal model categories J.Harper 珍しくnon-Sigma operadと通常のoperadを平行させて議論してある
BM05 Resolution of coloured operads and rectification of homotopy algebras C. Berger/
I Moerdijk
colored operadの定義と、それ上のalgebraが様々なところで活用できる
BL08 A-infinity monads and completion T.Bauer/

Operads in iterated monoidal categories

S. Forcey/
J. Siehler/
S. Sowers
Iterated monoidal categoryにおけるiterated oprrad

『A_∞ algebras, spaces, categories』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Ke99 Introduction to A-infinity algebras B.Keller 題名どおりA-infinity algebraの入門的な論文。
Ke05 A-infinity algebras and module and functor categories B.Keller Ke99の加筆版。
Se06 Fukaya categories and Picard-Lefshez theory P.Seidel A-infinity algebraの一般化したA-infinity categoryについて。
An06 The cyclic bar construction on A_infty H-spaces V.Angeltveit A-infty spaceのBar constructionによる分類空間の構成
LM08 Unital A_infty-categories V.Lyubashenko/ O.Manzyuk 様々なunitを考えたA-infty category
LM03 Free A_infty-categories V.Lyubashenko/ O.Manzyuk A-infty categoryのfreeな構成法
Le00 Homotopy Algebras for Operads T.Leinster homotopy monoidの考察
SU02 Diagonals on the Permutahedra, Multiplihedra and Associahedra S.Saneblidze/
SU00 A Diagonal on the Associahedra S.Saneblidze/
A-infty algebraのtensor product
Lo07 The diagonal of the Stasheff polytope J.Loday associahedraに関する詳細とA-infty structure
Fo07 Convex Hull Realizations of the Multiplihedra S.Forcey multiplihedraの構成について
Fo08 Quotients of the Multiplihedron as Categorified Associahedra S.Forcey multiplihedraのfaceを潰してassociahedraなどとの関係を考えている。
Ly03 Category of A-infty categories V.Lyubashenko A-infty categoryとA-infty functorのなすcategoryについて
Sag07 DG-algebras and derived A-infinity algebras Steffen Sagave minimal derived A-infty algebraを用いたhomologyの理論
Lei99 Up-to-Homotopy Monoids Tom Leinster Homotopy monoidについて

Associahedra and Weak Monoidal Structures on Categories

Z. Fiedorowicz/ Steven Gubkin/ Rainer M. Vogt
Associahedraとweak monoidal structure

『Manifold、Morse theory、Orbifold』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
LU01 Loop Groupoids, Gerbes, and Twisted Sectors on Orbifolds E.Lupercio/ B.Uribe Loop Groupoidについて
Mo02 Orbifolds as Groupoids: an Introduction I.Moerdijk groupoidの視点からのOrbifold
Sc06 Paths in categories U.Schreiber categoryにおけるpathとは
Co06 On the homotopy type of Lie groupoids H.Colman topological groupoidのhomotopy論。
Ja06 Categorical homotopy theory J.Jardine small categoryのhomotopy論
La Orbifold notes from LAS-W&N Y.Lai Genevieve Walshによる講義ノート。2次元のorbifoldの基本
CR00 A New Cohomology Theory for Orbifold W.Chen/ Y.Ruan Orbifoldのcohomology
Ch01 A Homotopy Theory of Orbispaces W.Chen Orbispaceにおけるhomotopy論
HG07 Homotopy Theory of Orbispaces A.Henriques/ D.Gepner Orbispaceのmodel structureを用いたhomotopy論
Mak07 Homotopy dimension of orbits of Morse functions on surfaces Sergiy Maksymenko 曲面上のMorse関数のhomotopy dimensionについて
BH06 Morse-Bott homology A Banyaga/
D. Hurtubise
Morse functionのhomology
Kon06 Manifolds, Structures Categorically G.V. Kondratiev 多様体の圏論的解釈
Kon Deformation theory I M Kontsevich 変形理論の解説だが、coalgebraと多様体の話もある
Gue01 Morse theory in the 1990's Martin Guest 古典的なMorse理論、歴史
For02 A USER’S GUIDE TO DISCRETE MORSE THEORY Robin Forman Discrete Morse theoryの入門
Cai12 Classification of compact real surfaces: a quick proof

Maurizio Cailotto

Koz05 Discrete Morse Theory for free chain complexes

Dmitry N. Kozlov

Algebraicなdiscrete Morse theory
CSW13 The D-topology for diffeological spaces

J. Daniel Christensen, J. Gord Sinnamon, Enxin Wu

Gal08 Combinatorial realization of the Thom-Smale complex via discrete Morse theory Etienne Gallais DiscreteとsmoothのMorse理論の比較

Smoothing discrete Morse theory

Bruno Benedetti DiscreteとsmoothのMorse理論の比較

Discrete Morse Theory Is At Least As Perfect As Morse Theory

Bruno Benedetti DiscreteとsmoothのMorse理論の比較


番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Vi04 Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory A.Vistoli grothandieck topologyとfibered categoryの説明
Lib06 Orbit spaces, the normaliser decomposition and. Minami's formula for compact Lie groups. A.Libman Quillen's Thoremのtopological version
Fri08 Categories of Fractions Revisited T.Fritz categoryのlocalizeについての色々。
Jar06 Categorical homotopy theory J. Jardine small catgeoryの分類空間にまつわることなど
Wei08 New sheaf theoretic methods in defferential topology M.Weiss Sheaf theoryの微分トポロジーへの応用
Wei05 What does the classifying spaces of a category classify? M.Weiss small categoryの分類空間の分類定理
Rez98 Fibrations and homotopy colimits of simplicial sheaves C.Rezk simplicial sheafにおけるhomotopy論
Vis04 Notes on Grothendieck topologies, fibered categories and descent theory A.Vistoli Grothendieck topologyについてのこと
Hoy08 On the homotopy type of a cofibred category Matias L. del Hoyo Cofibered categoryなどCatのhomotopy論
Hag71 Categories and Groupoids P.Haggins small categoryとgroupoidの基本
Hol08 Diagrams indexed by Grothendieck constructions S.Hollander grothendieck constructionとdiagram,comma categoryの関係、simplicial set,simplicial presheaf,stackの関係
Hol01 A Homotopy Theory for Stacks S. Hollander Groupoidのmodel structureを用いたStackの定義
Str00 K(N)-local duality for finite groups and groupoids. N. P. Strickland. Groupoidのmodel structureの詳細
Dri03 On the notion of geometric realization V.Drinfeld nerveとcyclic nerve、その実現
BHW08 Groupoidification Made Easy J. Baez/
A. Hoffnung/
C. Walker
Wen09 On homotopy limits and colimits of simplicial sheaves M. Wendt Simplicial sheafのcatgeoryでのhomotopy (co)limit
Dub07 The fundamental progroupoid of a general topos Eduardo J. Dubuc toposのfundamental progroupoidについて
Pis07 Categories of categories Claudio Pisani factorization systemを備えたcategoryについて
FPP07 Model Structures on the Category of Small Double Categories T. Fiore/
Simona Paoli/
D. Pronk
small double categoryのnerveとそのmodel structureについて
RR07 Sheaves as modules P. Resende/
E. Rodrigues
Hirbert moduleをsheafの言葉から考察
Lac08 Note on the construction of free monoids Stephen Lack monoidal categoryでのfree monoid
BW08 Algebras of higher operads as enriched categories M. Batanin/
Mark Weber
Lax monoidal categoryとそのenriched categoryとoperad
GIO09 Coverings and Actions of Structured Lie Groupoids I M.Gursoy/ Ilhan Icen/
Lie groupoidのcovering
RRV07 A theory of bundles over posets J. Roberts/
G. Ruzzi/
Ezio Vasselli
poset上のbundleについて。simplicial set、Alexandroff spaceについても
Noo07 Fundamental groups of topological stacks with slice property Behrang Noohi moduli spaceのtopological stackの基本群の計算
Cit01 Classifying spaces of categories and term rewriting Maurizio G. Citterio simplicial setのrealizationにおけるcollapsing shcemesとrewite system
Joh01 A sheaf-theoretic view of loop spaces Mark W. Johnson Loop spaceのtopological category上のpresheafからの視点。
Cib05 Sheaf cohomology D. Cibotaru Sheaf cohomology、Cech cohomologyの基本
Gar05 Cech vs. derived-functor sheaf cohomology Paul Garrett Sheaf cohomology、Cech cohomologyの計算例など
Ell05 A Theory of Adjoint Functors--with some Thoughts about their Philosophical Significance David Ellerman Adjoint functorについて
DP05 Associativity as Commutativity K. Dosen/
Z. Petric
Rag03 Binary trees and fibred categories N. Raghavendra binary treeとfibered categoryの関係
Gra06 Categories, norms and weights Marco Grandis categoryにおけるnorm、weight
Yet03 Measurable Categories D.N. Yetter categoryのmeasure
FS95 On the Size of Categories Peter Freyd/
Ross Street
small categoryとlarge categoryの同値について
Lei06 The Euler characteristic of a category Tom Leinster small categoryのEuler標数。Mobius inversion、weight
Lei07 The Euler characteristic of a category as the sum of a divergent series Tom Leinster small categoryのEuler標数。Series Euler標数
TWR09 Finiteness obstructions and Euler characteristics of categories Thomas M. Fiore, Wolfgang Luck, Roman Sauer L^2を用いたEuler標数
TWR10 Euler characteristics of categories and homotopy colimits Thomas M. Fiore, Wolfgang Luck, Roman Sauer homotopyt colimitを用いたEuler標数
Nog10 The Euler characteristic of infinite acyclic categories with filtrations Kazunori Noguchi 細分を用いたEuler標数

Euler characteristics of p-subgroup categories

Martin Jacobsen, Jesper M. Moller p-subgroup categoryのEuler標数
Gra01 On the monad of proper factorisation systems in categories Marco Grandis categoryのfactorization systemをmonodの言葉で
Cor00 Interchanging homotopy limits and colimits in CAT Guillermo Cortinas Grothendieck constructionとhomotopy limitの可換性
Bar02 Group Objects and Internal Categories Magnus Forrester-Barker 群のcatgeoryにおけるGroup object、category object、crossed moduleの関係
BM04 Categorical representations of categorical groups John W. Barrett/
Marco Mackaay
Catにおけるgroup objectの表現論
Jar06 Cocycle categories J.F. Jardine Sheafとmodel categoryのcocycle category
Zap00 Algebraic duality for partially ordered sets Roman R. Zapatrin Posetとcomplete latticeのduality
CMR09 Classifying spaces for braided monoidal categories and lax diagrams of bicategories P. Carrasc/
A. M. Cegarra/
A. R. Garzon
Braided monoidal categoryのclassifying space
Bar10 On Quillen's Theorem A for posets Jonathan Ariel Barmak Quillen's theorem Aのposet version
Woo09 The fundamental category of a stratified space Jonathan Woolf staratified spaceのfundamental category
LR10 Enriched weakness Stephen Lack, Jiri Rosicky category theoryのuniversalityを弱める。
Iov06 When is the Product isomorphic to the Coproduct Miodrag Cristian Iovanov productとcoproductが同じになる条件

From groups to groupoids: a brief survey

Ronald Brown groupoidの基本事項

A homotopy colimit theorem for diagrams of braided monoidal categories

A.R. Garzon/
R. Perez
braided monoidal categoryの図式のホモトピー余極限

A bialgebra axiom and the Dold-Kan correspondence

Boris Shoikhet Dold-kan対応を用いたbialgebraの公理

Relative Frobenius algebras are groupoids

Chris Heunen, Ivan Contreras, Alberto S. Cattaneo Relative Frobenius algebraのgroupoidとしての側面
CNT12 Thomason cohomology of categories

Imma Galvez-Carrillo, Frank Neumann, Andrew Tonks

small categoryのchomology theory
Peg12 Groupoids and cogroupoids: an one object approach

Luiz Henrique P. Pegas


『Higher category』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
WHPT04 A model structure a la Thomason on 2-Cat K.Worytkiewicz/
2-categoryのcategoryのThomason type model structure
DPP06 Paths in double categories R. J. MacGG. Dawson/
R. Pare/
D. A. Pronk
double categoryのpath
BFB04 A Full and faithful Nerve for 2-categories M. Bullejos/
E. Faro/
V. Blanco
Noo08 Notes on 2-groupoids, 2-groups and crossed modules Behrang Noohi 2-groupoidとclossed moduleについて。あとnerve関係
CCG09 Nerves and classifying spaces for bicategories P. Carrasco/
A.M. Cegarra/
A.R. Garzon
Bicategoryのnerveとclassifying space。Thomason theoremの一般化
Dus02 Simplicial matrices and the nerves of weak n-categories I: nerves of bicategories John W. Duskin bicategoryのnerveについての詳細
GP08 Kan extensions in double categories
(On weak double categories, Part III)
M. Grandis /
Robert Pare
bicategoryのKan extension
MV08 Double Categories in Mathematical Physics S. Moskaliuk/
A.T. Vlassov
Double categoryの解説。例が豊富。
BS08 The Classifying Space of a Topological 2-Group John C.Baez/
D. Stevenson
topological 2-groupの分類空間について
BJ09 The classifying topos of a topological bicategory gor Bakovic, B. Jurco topological bicategoryの分類空間について
CS06 Lectures on n-Categories and Cohomology John C. Baez,/
M. Shulman
n-categoryとhomotopy hypothesisについて
Ber03 A celler nerves for higher categories Clemens Berger omega-categoryのceller nerve
Gra01 Higher fundamental functors for simplicial sets M. Grandis omega-categoryのnerve
Toe04 Tamsamani categories, Segal categories and applications B. Toen Tamsamani categoriesと Segal categoriesの関係について
Met08 Cofibrant objects among higher-dimensional categories Francois Metayer globalur omega-categoryのcofibrant objectについて
Bro08 A new higher homotopy groupoid: the fundamental globular ?-groupoid of a filtered space Ronald Brown globalur omega-groupoidについて
Zhu08 n-Groupoids and Stacky Groupoids Chenchang Zhu n-groupoidとStacky groupoidの関係
Por04 $\mathcal{S}$-categories, $\mathcal{S}$-groupoids, Segal categories and quasicategories Timothy Porter 様々なhiger categoryの比較
Fut04 Weak Omega Categories I Carl A. Futia Weak omega-categoryの基本
Koc05 Weak identity arrows in higher categories Joachim Kock higher categoryのunit conditionを弱める
AN06 The structure of double groupoids N. Andruskiewitsch/
Sonia Natale
double groupoidの構造
GK06 Representation and character theory in 2-categories Nora Ganter/
Mikhail Kapranov
Ver06 Weak complicial sets, a simplicial weak omega-category theory. Part I: basic homotopy theory Dominic Verity weak omega-categoryのsimplicial theory
Elg06 Generalized 2-vector spaces and general linear 2-groups Josep Elgueta 2-vector spaceやlinear 2-group
Kon06 Strict $\infty $-categories. Concrete Duality G.V. Kondratiev infty categoryのconcrete duality
AG06 The classification of 2-compact groups K. Andersen/
Jesper Grodal
2-compact groupの分類
MT00 Weak $\omega$-categories as $\omega$-hypergraphs Hiroyuki Miyoshi/
Toru Tsujishita
weak omega categoryとomega hypergraph
Sim00 Calculating maps between n-categories Carlos Simpson n-categoryのmapの計算
Lei00 Operads in Higher-Dimensional Category Theory Tom Leinster operadを用いたhigher categoryの定義
OM01 n-Categories Admissible by n-graph Z. Oziewicz/
W. Marcinek
Lei01 A Survey of Definitions of n-Category Tom Leinster n-categoryの様々な定義
Lei01' Structures in higher-dimensional category theory Tom Leinster higher categoryの構造
Sim01 Some properties of the theory of n-categories Carlos Simpson simplicial localizationを用いたn-catgeoryの性質
Bar02 Group Objects and Internal Categories M. Barker group objectとcategory object
Lau02 Remarks on 2-Groups Aaron D. Lauda 2-groupの基本
Lei03 Higher Operads, Higher Categories Tom Leinster operadを用いたhigher categoryの定義
Lei98 Basic Bicategories Tom Leinster bicategoryの基本
Bre98 Braided n-categories and $\Sigma$-structures Lawrence Breen braid relationを踏まえたbraided n-category
Sim98 Homotopy types of strict 3-groupoids Carlos Simpson 3-groupoidのhomotopy type
Ber06 A characterization of fibrant Segal categories Julia E. Bergner Segal categoryはfibrant object
Bro03 A bicategorical approach to Morita equivalence for rings and von Neumann algebras R. M. Brouwer Morita theoryのbicategoryからのアプローチ
BD98 Categorification John C. Baez/
James Dolan
Ion99 On Categorification L. Ionescu categorificationについて
Rou04 Categorification of the braid groups Raphael Rouquier braid groupのcategorification
KMS07 A brief review of abelian categorifications M. Khovanov/
V. Mazorchuk/
C. Stroppel
abelian categorification
Pao06 Semistrict models of connected 3-types and Tamsamani's weak 3-groupoids Simona Paoli weak 3-groupoidとhomotopy 3-type
JK06 Weak units and homotopy 3-types Andre Joyal/
Joachim Kock
3-categoryのweak unit
LWW09 Bicategories of spans as cartesian bicategories Stephen Lack, R.F.C. Walters, R.J. Wood spanのbicategoryについて
DS06' A construction of 2-filtered bicolimits of categories E. J. Dubuc/
Ross Street
2-filtered categoryのbicolimit
Lac10 A Quillen model structure for Gray-categories Stephen Lack Gray-categoryのcategoryのmodel structure
Nik10 Algebraic models for higher categories Thomas Nikolaus ∞-groupoid、(∞,1)-categoryのalgebraic model
Lei02 Generalized enrichment of categories Tom Leinster fc-multicategoryを用いたhigher category
Lei99 fc-multicategories Tom Leinster fc-multicategoryについて
Nik10 Algebraic models for higher categories Thomas Nikolaus Kan complexの変種
Gro10 A short course on infinity-categories Moritz Groth ∞-categoryのshort surveyらしいが長い


Comparison of models for $(\infty, n)$-categories, I Julia E. Bergner, Charles Rezk (∞,n)-categoryの比較
Hoy10 On the loop space of a 2-category

Matias L. del Hoyo

Ceg09 Homotopy Fibre Sequences Induced by 2-Functors Antonio M. Cegarra 2-functorにおけるQuillen's theorem A
Lac12 Morita contexts as lax functors Stephen Lack 森田理論のlax functorからの考察


番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
BM07 Algebraic K-theory and abstract homotopy theory A. Blumberg/
M. Mandell/
algebraic K-theoryをhomotopicalな視点から
Kho00 A universal coefficient theorem for twisted K-theory Mehdi Khorami twisted K-theoryの普遍係数定理
Can09 Twisted equivariant K-theory, groupoids and proper actions Jose Cantarero twisted K-theoryのequivariant version(groupoid action)
Gom08 Twisted K-theory and finite-dimensional approximation Kiyonori Gomi twisted K-theoryの有限次元での定式化
Dwy07 Twisted equivariant K-theory for proper actions of discrete groups Christopher Dwyer twisted K-theoryのequivariant version(group action)
Kar07 Twisted K-theory, old and new Max Karoubi twisted K-theory歴史的なもの
Gom07 An approach toward a finite-dimensional definition of twisted K-theory Kiyonori Gomi twisted K-theoryの有限次元での定式化
TX06 The ring structure for equivariant twisted K-theory J. Tu/
Ping Xu
equivariant twisted K-theoryの環構造
AS05 Twisted K-theory and cohomology M Atiyah/
G. Segal
twisted K-theoryとcohomologyの関係
AS04 Twisted $K$-theory M Atiyah/
G. Segal
twisted K-theoryの基本事項


番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Do06 Hom complexes and homotopy theory in the category of graphs A. Dochtermann graphのhomotopy論とそのhom complexについて

『Homotopy theory』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Str? Compactly generated spaces N.Strickland compactly generated weak Hausdorff spaceについて
FF89 Actions of Classical Small Categories E. E. Floyd/
W. J. Floyd
homotopy theoryを丁寧に解説してある。
Rie09 Homotopy (limit and ) colimit E.Riehl homotopy limitとcolimitについての解説。
Isa Exercises on homotopy colimits S.Isaacson homotopy colimitの練習問題
Kuk09 On homotopy types of Alexandroff spaces MichaB KukieBa Alexandroff spaceのhomotopy typeについて
Col09 The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of a Lie groupoid Hellen Colman Lie groupoidのLS-category
Tay09 The principal fibration sequence and the second cohomotopy set Laurence R. Taylor principal fibrationのhomotopy論。例として[X,S^2]について。
Vok10 Fibrations up to an equivalence, homotopy colimits and pullbacks Lukaa VokYinek quasifibrationやhomology fibrationのhomotopy colimitとpull backの関係
Pon09 Equivariant Fixed Point Theory Kate Ponto Lefshetz不動点定理のequivariant version
Bra10 The topological fundamental group and free topological groups Jeremy Brazas 位相をこめた基本群
SYH10 Homology and cohomology via enriched bifunctors
K. Shimakawa
K. Yoshida
T. Haraguchi
numerically continuousをmorphismとした位相空間の圏

Homotopy limits and colimits and enriched homotopy theory

Michael Shulman
一般的なhomotopy limit, colimit。
BD08 A note on localizations of mapping spaces B. Badzioch,
W. Dorabiala
mapping spaceとloopの可換性に関する必要条件
DI01 Hypercovers in topology Daniel Dugger, Daniel C. Isaksen Hypercoverのホモトピー極限での再構成。
Bjo03 Nerves, fibers and homotopy groups Anders Bjorner Hypercoverのホモトピー極限での再構成。

『Simplicial method』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
CDI02 The A-complexity of a space W.Chacholski/
M. Intermont
simplicial spaceやhomotopy colimitの理論
May72 The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces P.May operadの原文だが、homotopy theoryの宝庫
Frie08 An elementary illustrated introduction to simplicial sets Greg Friedman simplicial setをsimplicial complexの図を交えて解説
Tei06 Derived algebraic geometry and topology P.Teichner Quasi categoryの解説
Rie08 A model category for quasi-categories E.Riehl quasi categoryのmodel structureからの解説
Joy08 Notes on Quasi-categories A.Joyal Quasi categoryについて。そのmodel structureも
Boy07 Notes and exercises on ∞-categories M.Boyarchenko Quasi categoryの演習問題
Raf02 Homotopy equivalence of simplicial set with a group action V.Rafael group actionを踏まえたsimplicial set

A leisurely introduction to Simplicial Sets

E.Riehl simplicial setを丁寧に解説してある。
Ste00 Simplicial and categorical comma categories C,Steven simplicialとCatのcomma categoryとfunctor categoryの比較
Jar02 Cubical homotopy theory J.F.Jardine cubical setのhomotopy論
CM09 Dendroidal sets as models for homotopy operads D. Cisinski/
Ieke Moerdijk
dendroidal setのhomotopy論
GL07 A comparison theorem for simplicial resolutions Julia Goedecke/
Tim. Linden
simplicial resolutionを用いたhomology理論
Gra01 Finite sets and symmetric simplicial sets Marco Grandis finite setとsymmetric simplicia setの関係。monoidal categoryとの関連
Zhu08 Kan replacement of simplicial manifolds Chenchang Zhu Kan conditionをsimplicial manifoldに応用
Jar04 Simplicial approximation J.F. Jardine simplicial setのhomotopy論
MW07 Dendroidal Sets Ieke Moerdijk/
Ittay Weiss
Dendoroidal setとmulti category
EP99 Joins for (Augmented) Simplicial Sets P.J. Ehlers/
T. Porter
simplicial setのjoin
Gui06 Kan's Ex^infty functor B. Guillou Ex functorについて
DS09 Rigidification of quasi-categories Daniel Dugger/
David I. Spivak
quasi categoryからsimplicial categoryを構成
GLW09 Dold-Kan correspondence for dendroidal abelian groups J. Gutierrez/
Andor Lukacs/
Ittay Weiss
Dendroidal setでのDold-Kan correspondence
Lop09 Cohomology Rings of Precubical Set Viktor Lopatkin
precubical setのコホモロジー
DS09' Mapping spaces in Quasi-categories Daniel Dugger/
David I. Spivak
quasi categoryのmapping space
Rie09' On the structure of simplicial categories associated to quasi-categories Emily Riehl simplicial setから構成されるsimplicial categoryのhom spaceについて
Paz10 The geometric realization of a simplicial Hausdorff space is Hausdorff Clement de Seguins Pazzis simplicial Hausdorff spaceのrealizationはHausdorff

On the geometric realization and subdivisions of dihedral sets

Sho Saito
dihedral setの実現と細分。

Nonabelian Dold-Kan Decompositions for Simplicial and Symmetric-Simplicial Groups

Eric R. Antokoletz Dold-Kan correspondenceのnonabelian version

『Rational homotopy theory』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Mor08 Tannakian dg-category as realization of rational homotopy type Syunji Moriya Sullivanの有理ホモトピー論をDG-categoryを用いて考える。
Hes04 Rational homotopy theory: a brief introduction Kathryn Hess Rational homotopy theoryの丁寧な解説。後半はLS categoryとの関連


番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Nel08 On rack polynomials Sam Nelson Rack多項式について
Jac04 Extensions of racks and quandles Nicholas Jackson Quandleとrackについて
Nel07 A polynomial invariant of finite quandles Sam Nelson Quandle多項式について
Nel08' Generalized quandle polynomials Sam Nelson Quandle多項式の一般化
CJK99 Quandle Cohomology and State-sum Invariants of Knotted Curves and Surfaces J. Carter/
Daniel Jelsovsky/
Seiichi Kamada/
EG02 On rack cohomology Pavel Etingof/
Matias Grana
Jac04' Rack and quandle homology Nicholas Jackson RackとQuandleのホモロジー

『Goodwillie's calculus』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
BD07 Homotopy nilpotent groups G. Biedermann/
William G. Dwyer
Goodwillie's towerを用いてhomotopy nilpotent groupを考える。
Lur09 (Infinity,2)-Categories and the Goodwillie Calculus I Jacob Lurie Goodwillie's calculusと(∞,2)-categoryの関係
Rez08 A streamlined proof of Goodwillie's n-excisive approximation Charles Rezk Goodwillie's calculusのシリーズⅢの中のLemmaの安易な証明。
Wal06 Rational Homotopy Calculus of Functors Ben Walter DG, DGL, DGC間のhomotopy functorのcalculus
BCR06 Calculus of functors and model categories G. Biedermann/
Boris Chorny/
Oliver Rondigs
simplicial setやspectramのmodel structureを用いたcalculus
ALV06 Calculus of functors, operad formality, and rational homology of embedding spaces Gregory Arone/
P. Lambrechts/
Ismar Volic
smooth manifoldのEuclid空間への埋め込みのなす空間のrational hmologyに対するcalculus
Mun10 Introduction to the manifold calculus of Goodwillie-Weiss Brian A. Munson manifold calculasについて

On calculus of functors in model categories 

Alexandru E. Stanculescu Model categoryの構造を用いたcalculus

A general context for Goodwillie Calculus 

Luis Pereira 関手の微積分のモデル圏の言葉での説明

『Group cohomology、Hochschild cohomology、Cyclic cohomology』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Iye04 Modules and Cohomology over Group Algebras: One Commutative Algebraist's Perspective Srikanth Iyengar group algebra上のmodule、のcohomology
Ade06 Lectures on the Cohomology of Finite Groups Alejandro Adem 有限群のcohomologyのlecture
LB04 Hochschild cohomology of abelian categories and ringed spaces W. T. Lowen/
M. Bergh
abelian category、k-linear category、dg-category、ringed spaceのHochschild homology
Hay04 On Hochschid cohomology rings of group algebras Takao Hayami Group algebraのHochschild cohomologyについて
San02 Hochschild cohomology of orders K. Sanada 周期的projective resolutionに着目したHochschil cohomologyの計算
BM Hochschild homology and global dimension P. Bergh/
D. Madsen
global dimensionとHochschild homology
Thi06 An introduction to Hochschild and cyclic homology H. Thiel Hochschild cohomologyとcyclic cohomologyの入門
Xu08 Hochschild and ordinary cohomology rings of small categories Fei Xu small categoryのcategorical algebraのHochschild homologyを細分して計算
Hes06 A cubical approach to homotopy orbits of circle actions Kathryn Hess free loop space LXのS^1作用におけるhomotopy orbit spaceのcochain complexのmodel
Kur10 The Hochschild cohomology ring of the singular cochain algebra of a space Katsuhiko Kuribayashi 空間のsingular cochainのHochschild cohomologyの計算

Equivariant homology and cohomology of groups

H.Inassaridze separable groupがactしたequivariant cohomology


番号 タイトル 著者 コメント
Lan98 Lecture notes on C*-algebras, Hilbert C*-modules, and quantum mechanics N.P. Landsman C^*-algeraのわかりやすい解説
Amb10 The unitary symmetric monoidal model category of small C*-categories Ivo Dell'Ambrogio C^*-categoryのcategoryのmodel structure
Lan03 Lecture Notes on C*-algebras and K-theory I N.P. Landsman Banach algebraやC*-algebraの基本
Lan03' Lecture Notes on C*-algebras and K-theory I N.P. Landsman C*-algberaのK-theory

On extensions of the functor Spec to noncommutative rings

Manuel L. Reyes 非可換版のGelfand-Naimark duality
Lau67 Tensor products of Banach
algebras with involution
Kjeld B. Laursen Banaha algebraのtensor

Homotopy Theory for C^{*}-algebras

Otgonbayar Uuye C*-algebraのhomotopy論

Homotopy theory of C*-algebras

Paul Arne Ostvar C*-algebraのhomotopy論
Cun01 Noncommutative simplicial complexes and the Baum-Connes conjecture J. Cuntz 空間から非可換なC*-代数の構成

『Tannaka-Krein duality』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント

Fiber functors, monoidal sites and Tannaka duality for bialgebroids

K. Szlachanyi
Bialgebroidに対するTannaka duality

『Hyperplane arrangement』

番号 タイトル 著者 コメント

Diagram models for the covers of the Salvetti complex

Emanuele Delucchi
Salvetti complexのcoveringのhomSotopy colimitを用いた構成